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Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Uncle Ross is gone

I'm sad. So sad. My Uncle Ross died this morning. I just found out he had been diagnosed with Lung Cancer this Sunday after a stay in the hospital. His doctors told his faimily that he maybe had 6 months, if that left, and sent him home.
When my Aunt Virginia (his wife and my Mothers sister) called to tell me that news Sunday she was close to loosing it as she was waiting for the hospice folks to deliver a hospital bed for him to use. She was calling faimily and friends. I told her I'd call my cousin (on my Dad's side) and let that part of the faimily know.
Uncle Ross was a fellow gardener. He was always glad to get a horse feed sack full of well rotted horse manure for his compost pile for Christmas. It was something he (like myself) could appreciate. I'm gonna miss that. That and all those wonderfull potted plants he had hanging and setting all over the covered area where we'd eat at faimily reunions and such.
He was also a veteran. He survived the bombing of Pearl Harbor at the begining of our envolment in WW II.
Of course it didn't do him any good to have been a smoker for most of his life, but still he hadn't smoked in a long time. Guess it can still sneak up on you.
I can only guess that he passed on so quickly after the diagnosis because the BIG BOSS upstairs dicided he didn't want him to suffer, or his faimily to watch him decline any further.
It still hurts though.

1 comment:

  1. There are too few people in this life who share our love for nature. Uncle Ross was one of those. I know my wife, Nancy, talks to plants but she doesn't do it when I an hear it.

    My brilliant brother-in-law smoked cigars during his adult life. The docs diagnosed him with LC on a Saturday and he passed on Tuesday. He was only 65. Stopping smoking was the most difficult thing I ever did. It's been 22 years. I hope it helped, because not many days go by without me thinking of how great a cigarette would be.
