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Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Down on the worm farm....again

Yeeyoww! I've been invaded! Attacked!! By them damn little piss ants. (pardon my Anglo Saxon)

Started noticing those nasty little beggars a day or so ago, snooping around on my kitchen counter near the stove, so I washed that area down to make sure I'd gotten up any spills or splashes. Then I went back and used the plastic bottle it came in to puff some boric acid into the area between the stove and the counter, behind the stove, and into that little crack that's appeared between the back splash of my counter and the wall. I figured that took care of that.

News Flash!

The next day I found a whole line of the dirty little creeps snaking along from just under my kitchen window down toward my sink, along the back splash right toward my WORM FARM!! I hadn't done anything about ants over there. I'd gotten lazy and figured the boric acid I'd put down last year was still working. I opened the farm and was confronted with hundreds, thousands!!! of happy little ants.

If you are wondering that would only be good if I had an ANT farm instead of a WORM farm.

Needless to say I was afraid that serious damage had already been done. I feared those fearsome little hunters had wiped out my whole herd(?) of worms. Daring them mean ol' ants to bite me I dug down and found my cute little red wrigglers still wiggling.


But I still had the problem of the ants....IN MY KITCHEN! I'm fine with the worms but NOT with the ants. They bite me. They eat my food before I'm ready to even fix it, instead of waiting patiently for the scraps like the worms.

Now here is an illustration of why a lot of folks refuse to go 'green'. These non-greenies, lets call them brownies, would want to either just forget the worms and dump the whole mess out side somewhere and spray the kitchen area down with the strongest bug killer available, or maybe, if they wanted to keep the worms bad enough, just spray the area around the worm bin down. If they tried the later they'd likely wonder in a few days or so why the worms had died off. (duh)

What did little old greenie me do? I spread some newspaper sheets out on the back porch in the shade and dumped the ant infested worms/worm food/worm poo mess out on it. I knocked all the ants off of the container and sat it aside. Then I proceeded to pick out all the worms I could find as well as the bits and pieces of as yet unused food scraps that had no ants attached and tossed them back in the worm bin. Then I added some mown grass that I spotted that hadn't already gone back to whence it came and added that as a lot of the worms food was still ant infested. I dampened the grass down, added the tea bags I hadn't put in before I noticed the ants and closed the thing back up. Then I wiped down the place where the worms had been in the kitchen with a soapy dish cloth. I also wiped down the trail of ants that had returned looking for that tasty little farm. Then I blasted the little biters with some more boric acid! I puffed the stuff out where ever I'd seen them little varmints walking. I puffed it up under the bottom piece of wood on my window sill. I opened the window and puffed it there. I went outside and puffed it along that side of the house and then around the nearest corner and under the back door. I even puffed it around and in my houses AC unit.

Don't get me wrong. Ants are fine. Great even. But only in their place - outside - and NOT in my KITCHEN!!

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