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Sunday, September 20, 2009

bye bye stinky

Well, the man who owns that little ram came and got him today. Thank goodness. The little feller was cute as could be but; Lordy did he STINK!

I do hope he did his duty with my girls and that their kids have some of his color. He's cream, tan and black with a touch of white.

It will also be a good deal quieter around here as he was almost constantly baaing. Probably complaining that he couldn't jump that 8 foot fence of the dog kennel.

Oh, dear. Now I have to clean up that kennel. I'll need to wash down the dog house, inside and out. Probably with something to cut that terrible sent he left behind. Same for the food and water bowls I usually use for my dog. Though I must admit I have gotten fairly used to her being inside with me. I know she likes it except that I'm no where near as active as she'd like me to be. Sweet, big and clumsy Issa Dorable Dog would really rather be outside chasing balls that she seldom returns to be thrown again and running around like crazy sniffing things and maybe chasing squirrels, cats and anything else that was willing to 'play' by running away.

Unfortunately for her I'm not anywhere near that active. I'm completely unwilling to chase her down to get the ball back so I can throw it again. Tug of war pails quickly and, well, with my knees and feet, I do NOT run.

Well, when I get her run cleaned up I guess she can stay there during the day and I can bring her in at night, or when it rains. I'd planned to start bringing her in at night when it got colder at night anyway.

Trouble is I just gave her a bath this last week and fear if I leave her outside for any length of time she will get totally filthy again. Of course she is mostly lab and has that wonderful coat that mostly sheds dirt.

Oh, well. I'll get it figured out.

1 comment:

  1. Anyone who says that dogs had rather stay outside has never been a dog.....
