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Monday, September 21, 2009

Welcome to new friend

Well, what do ya know!

A nice person name of Petrea Rasmussen sent me an e-mail because she'd read comments I left on a permaculture site. She realized I lived here in East Texas and that she would soon be moving near here (down in Van Zant) so she e-mailed me to see if I was a) still here and b) still into the permie thing same as her.

Of course I answered her and told her about this blog. While she may not have left comments her next e-mail showed she'd read some of it and then when I next checked she showed up as a follower!

Thank you Petrea! Feel free to leave a comment on which ever rant or maundering that you wish to comment on. Even if you disagree and think I'm a nut case. I'm all about everyone having their own opinions and their right to voice them.

Oh, what I just said to Petrea goes for any other followers or visitors or passers by. Like any writer I yearn for what I write to be read and am delighted when someone reacts to it. No mater what said reaction is. Well, except the old 'hunt down and hang reaction' that some apparently feel they have the right to. Never did understand that one.

Yeah, I know it was quite prevalent in various old cultures and is still in vogue in some countries today. But this IS the USA last I looked. And I did raise my right hand and swear to God that I would protect it, it's citizens and it's Constitution way back when I joined the Army.

Okay, now day's there's a few citizens I'm not sure about and this countries done some dumb things and still is but it's still way better than any other's I know of. Now, if we'd stop reading bits and pieces of the Constitution, especially the Bill Of Rights out of context, I think we'd all be a bit better off. Oh, yeah, it'd also be nice if some folks stopped trying to twist those out of context bits and pieces to suit themselves. That really chaps my sit downer.

One of those often twisted bits is 'right to Life, Liberty and pursuit of Happiness'. Okay there's some out there that forget about the pursuit part and think happiness is a grantee even if they have to kill or lock up other's to get it. Nope. Sorry. That ain't it. EVERYONE gets Life and Liberty guaranteed but the only grantee we get for Happiness is the right to pursue it, to chase it down, rope, tie and brand it. If we can. If we can't. Oh well, have fun chasing it.

Hey, way cool. I think I've found myself something here to use for my Alternative Opinion article for the Lone Oak Newsletter.

See Ya, gotta get to work on that.


  1. Is being a nut case any sort of reason not to comment? I think not! :)
    Yeah, I'm followin' you sister ... I like the way you maunder.
    I'm excited to get out to our little "ranch" - east TX is so full of life; peaceful and conducive to some creativity. We've already sown a boatload of "seed balls" to try to create even greater diversity of the plants there ... I can't wait to check on them in a couple of weeks!

  2. "Pursuit" Betty, you never cease to amaze me. This is the first time I heard about the army bit, but I may have heard and forgotten. I do that. You are also serving as the all-time imp since I can't get anything done for reading your posts. Keep 'em coming.
