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Tuesday, September 15, 2009

rain, rain harvesting

Boy, oh boy, do I wish I'd had the money to set up what is now days called a Rain Harvesting System back while it was dry. I'd be ready for a long dry spell after all the rain we've had recently.

Whazzat? You may be asking if you don't know me and haven't been already board to tears about my plans, wishes, and hopes to put rain gutters around every roof on my property and connect said rain gutter's downspouts to an upgraded, modern version of the old fashioned rain barrels.

Big ones.

Yeah, I know. I've had some folks I've mentioned this to immediately ask: "But what about the 'skeeters? or the nasty stuff on the roof before it rains? There's dirt up there ya know and stuff like bird and squirrel poop."

I know. So do the designers of the modern type 'rain barrels' or 'water harvesting systems'. They add on a stand pipe like thingy that the dirty water that comes off the roof first goes into. Thus carrying with it the leaves, twigs, and poop along with dust and such. When it's full the cleaner rain water flows over it and into the downspout. On it's way into the 'rain barrel' it goes through a filter, or more than one if you plan to drink it yourself, and then on into the barrel. Which now days is more likely a big opaque plastic thing with a faucet attachment near the bottom and screens to keep out all kinds of things from the afore mentioned 'skeeters to other things.

"Why bother?" many of these same people ask. "After all you already pay the city a pretty penny for good potable water."

Yes, I do. And frankly I'd really rather just drink it, use it to cook, bathe and flush rather than also use it to water my garden and animals who do not use my toilet. Beasts and plants whose waste do not go to the local sewer. Especially as my sewer rates are based, gallon by gallon on how much water goes through my water meter. There is no sewer meter measuring what goes out, of course, so how else could they measure it.

Thus, I would be saving money if I watered my animals, house plants and gardens with rain water rather than with that chemically fortified stuff so many folks pay to filter before they drink it. Frankly, I'm not giving filtered or bottled water to my plants or animals. Way to expensive. Rain water on the other hand would be perfect for them.


If I could just afford said rain harvesting systems.


1 comment:

  1. How about just a plain, old fashioned barrel. So a little bad stuff gets in. It will settle to the bottom of the barrel. (hence, the term bottom of the barrel.) A greenie could be careful about pouring the top water out and leaving the goop on the bottom for later dismissal. Maybe a small water pump would serve, but that would cost money. I like the idea of using rainwater for the aminals. After all, they survived for eons by drinking really dirty water out of stagnant ponds and sluggish rivers.
