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Saturday, December 3, 2011

Wishing on a rainy night

Hey! It's raining! In Texas! Even better it's not a gully washer type rain like we usually get after a drought. Most every bit of rain we've got lately has been slow and fairly steady. Okay, sometimes it's been nothing but a light sprinkle.But other times, like tonight, it's fairly constant and sometimes a hard shower. The rain is actually getting a chance to soak into the ground.

Makes we wish  that I'd had the cash this summer to put in rain gutters, downspouts and rain barrels on every roof on my land as well as dig swales out in my pasture. Its just too bad I hadn't heard about something called hugelkulture back during the summer either. Then, if I'd had the money to hire someone to dig the ditches on the contours of my pasture (that's what a swale is. A ditch meant to catch and slow down water so that it can soak into the soil of the ditch) I could have also paid them to take all the downed trees and tree branches in the pasture and near my house and put them in the ditches. Ta DA! hugleswales!

Then of course, some of the soil dug out of the ditch could be put on top of the wood while the rest would be piled on the down hill side of the wood filled ditch. Then it should be easy for paths to be made across the swales so I could get to all the area's of my pasture without climbing in and out of ditches or building some kind of bridge to drive what ever machinery I need to out there. (Machinery like a fire truck to fight grass fires or just my vehicle to haul fence building/fixing material to where it's needed.)
Then, being rich, as I'd have to be to afford to pay for all that,  I could have bought the trees, bushes and such that I want to plant just down hill of those little berms and got some body to plant the suckers.


But I'm not rich. If any ditch digging is done on my place I am the most likely candidate. The problem there is that there IS a reason I'm on disability. Those forty plus hours a week spent standing, walking and hurrying around on concrete floors in shoes with little or no support did a real number on my feet and knees.
I'm just going to have to figure out a way to getterdone without money and with my rice crispy joints.

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