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Monday, January 10, 2011

Snow days

The weather man said it was going to snow. Boy did it snow! At least four inches. Maybe more here in Lone Oak. Sometimes I hate it when those guys are right.

I will not accuse my goats of being stupid again. At least not until they do something really dumb again. Why? They are staying in their little barn and waiting for me to bring them feed. I don't think they've even left to get water. Even after I broke the ice for them the ungrateful wretches.
It sure looks pretty out there. A regular post card. I only have a few problems with it: (1) It's cold. (2)Being a good ol' Texas gal, I am absolutely certain that ice is only supposed to occur in big ol' glasses of tea. (3)It's really cold out there. (4)Pretty postcard snow is supposed to come in pictures from Alaska, and other places where snow happens, not appear in my back and front yard! (5)It's especially not supposed to get all over my truck, or the roads, or otherwise make it hard to get places. I vote we send this white stuff back to Alaska or Cannada.

I blame global warming. It's messing up the weather patterns and causing ice to occur outside of tea glasses. It just ain't right.

I've started another blog. This one is called, uh, now what did I call the sucker? Oh, yeah, "A Rural Point of View." I'm posting my Alt Op article from the Lone Oak Newsletter in it. It's on same as this one. I'm editing them again before I post them so they will hopefully make since to folks who arn't from Lone Oak.

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