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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Goats and more goats!

Well, at the end of January I had three very pregnant nanny goats. Momma Goat, Star and Baby.

It is now the middle of February and I have eight goats. Momma Goat is now Granny goat, and her daughters, Star and Baby have a half sister I'm calling Cookie and a half brother I'm calling Cream. Cookie is mostly black with a little white stripe and very few other spots of white. Cream is mostly a tannish grey with a narrow white stripe around his middle, a white face and black points here and there. Oh, he will be a handsome devil!

Star had two little boys that are half siblings of Granny Goat's kids. (everyone had the same daddy) Both are a light brown with white. The one with the big white spot on one side I am calling Cocoa. The other, who has a white star, a white tip on his tail and a scattering of other white on him is being called Latte'. (extra cream, get it. His brother, with just that one white spot has the marshmallow in the cocoa....dumb, I know but it works for me)

Baby had only one kid. This cute little gal is black on both ends with a wide white stripe around her middle. Couldn't help it. Her name is Oreo. Might nick name her Double Stuff because the white stripe is so wide.

Little Oreo arrived first early on Saturday morning. Before noon Cocoa and Latte' were here. Mean while Granny Goat was trying to take over poor Oreo from her Mom and Baby, as a first time mom was as confused as Oreo.

With the help of some friends we moved the interfering old Granny Goat over to my Dogs kennel. I was keeping him in because of the cold and wet anyway. I stuffed some hay into the dog house in the kennel and spread some around as well as making sure Granny had plenty of water.

Sunday morning I was greeted by tiny little baas from the dog kennel when I went out to feed every one and found Granny Goat busy with Cookie and Cream.

Friends helped out once more by moving Granny and her kids back to the main pen. Granny was no longer interested in 'stealing' Oreo.

These same good friends brought over an old rug, some wood and nails and together we used them to make the old chicken coop a little snugger for the mommas and the new kids.

And then it snowed. And snowed, and snowed.

Now the snow has all melted but all five kids are still here and I'm wondering what to do with all those little boy goats! I don't want to keep them until they grow into big smelly boys. So I guess I'll just have to sell at least two of them. Either Cocoa or Latte' will have to stay to keep Star's bag from getting too full. But then, whoever stays will be going bye bye as soon as he is weaned.

I have considered just trading that last young buck for another buck that isn't related but then I looked around and unless I put the critter right next to my house the only other spot for him would be way out in the pasture. That, what with the feral dogs, coyotes and bobcats would not be a good idea. Not if I wanted a live billy goat anyway. But he darn sure couldn't be right next to my house because it wouldn't be just the neighbors that would be complaining! I would be to when he started to, well, 'smell like a real ram.' So he will have to go as soon as he is weaned.

I guess when the time comes I'll just do as I did this time and find the girls a willing man. One who isn't related, of course.

For anyone who is interested none of these critters have any 'papers' as they were given to me. I have been told that Granny Goat is a full pygmy goat and that her two girls are only half. What the other half is...I don't know. As for the buck that was the Daddy of all my kids, I was told he was a full pygmy. I do know that he was shorter at the shoulder than any of my girls. He was a handsome fellow being mostly brown with some white and black accents and somewhat longish hair. So theoretically, Granny Goat's Cookie and Cream are full pygmy, while the other three kids are only three quarter pygmy.

Guess I need to check around to find out what 2 week old male pygmy goats are going for at the moment.

Any one want a cute little pet goat? Or two?

1 comment:

  1. Heheh, better watch what ya wish for, huh? All them cute little goats.....
