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Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Sorry! Just realized that I've skipped a whole month! And I can't even use the excuse of being busy getting ready for the holiday's as I'm to flat busted broke to do more than get a few (very few) cheap (very cheap) gifts for just the folks I see the most often.

No! One is not going to be for my shrink! Though sometimes I wonder if I might not need one really bad.

I know! I can blame it on the season this way. I can note that I've started wanting to sleep up to 10 hours a day now that it's getting cold and dreary and I see far less sun than I used to. What do they call it. It has some fancy name...seasonal depression? Nah. It's called something fancier than that I think.

It's supposed to be caused by the absence of enough sun light during the winter. It causes you to not want to move much, so you just stay in, eat and sleep. It's great for gaining weight. I just usually say that I'm just an old bear and that wants to hibernate.

It's what I feel like sometimes.

Yeah. I know! I should get one of those full spectrum lights and sit or work under it whenever it's cloudy out and after the sun goes down when it's not. Sigh.

All I can say to that is what part of the first part of this blog did you not understand. You remember, the part about being without a lot of extra cash. (Umm. make that Grouchy Old Bear. )

Well, it's not raining at the moment, maybe if I take my dog out for walkies that should make us both least for a while. Sigh.

I hate cold, wet and dreary. I could solve the problem if I were rich. I'd just pack up the critters and move down to the equator or some such. Down near sea level or far enough above to stay away from tsunami's and such. And hurricanes. But then there's the bugs and the guerrillas (not the gorillas). Oh, man, see what I mean.

Heck with it. I'm going for a walk.


  1. I love winter. It is my favorite time of the year. A special day for me is around thirty three degrees with intermittant showers. I love walking in the cold rain. When its like that, I don't have to wear sunglasses and the light doesn't hurt my eyes. I have the streets to myself. I crank up a sports talk show and listen to stupidity at it's purest.

    The only time cold bothers me is when I get out of a hot shower into a seventy-two degree room, and at night when I get chilled under my electric blanket turned up to 6.

    Is anybody believing any of this?
