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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Somthing Interesting

Found something interesting while using PCH's Search and Win. Yeah, I know I'm not likely to win any thing, but as with the lottery, you can't win if you don't play. I've forgotten what I searched for now, but it had something to do with writers or writing.

Of course I was inundated with a page full of sites dealing with just that. One of them that I decided to check out was ,and it had a lot of info that I found interesting. I especially liked the blogger section.

In that section I found a blog by a Nathan Bransford. He is doing something really great this Christmas season. He is donating a dollar per comment on his blog to Heifer International.

His blog can also be found at Go there, comment. Help out Heifer International.

For those who might read this and not know what Heifer International is, I'll tell you. It's an organization that backs the old saying: "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for life."

How dose it do this?

Simple it gives livestock of one sort or another, a heifer, a pig, chickens, sheep, or what ever would be most suitable to a poor family somewhere. (Yes, here in the good ol' USA, too!) The family is also given training on the care of the beast and then, when the critter reproduces they pass the off-spring on to another nearby poor family. Quite often the milk from the heifer or the eggs from the chickens help stave off starvation for the family and the extras are sold to ensure better housing or even education for the children.

So if you ask me this is one of the better charities around. It teaches folks to fish instead of teaching them to sit around waiting for someone to hand them a fish to eat.

Oh, those web sites I mentioned above also have a lot of information on the publishing side of writing. Well, at least they seem to have a lot to me.

On his site Nathan Bransford asked that those who commented give their name, location, and a Christmas wish, but with only 50 characters to work with and a long name I couldn't spell out my Christmas wish.

What is it?

Only to get up the nerve to start collecting rejection slips from publishers. I'm gonna havta start doing that someday.